Unfolding the Right Ways to Add Names to Canada eTA Application

Updated on Apr 07, 2024 | Canada Visa Online

Whether you wish to work in Canada, study, or need permanent residence, it requires applying for a Canada eVisa and immigration program. See how to get it.

Are you planning a trip to Canada? If yes, it’s a good idea to have a clear understanding of this whole Canada eVisa application, especially how to enter names on Canada eTA online. It’s the part of the Canada eTA application where the applicants make mistakes most commonly when filling it out for first names or surnames.

In today’s blog, we are going to unfold the correct ways to fill out names on Canada eTA, ensuring an error-free and accurate application. Let’s get started.

How to Fill out Names on Canada eTA Application Online

First, you must ensure that you belong to a Canada eTA-eligible country, a visa-exempt country, or a legal resident of the United States. If yes, you are eligible to apply for an eTA Canada visa for tourism, sightseeing, transit, or layover. In fact, when traveling to Canada for any business or medical treatment purposes, you also need a Canada eTA if you fall into any of these categories.

Once done, it’s time to fill out the eTA Canada visa application form online. Here, the first information you are asked to put is general details, where the applicants always have questions regarding entering the first names and surnames, especially when those contain hyphens, non-English characters, and others.

When it comes to adding first names, last names, or family names to the Canada eTA application form online, they don't always come in order, like after the given name. For example, Eastern Asian countries follow the name order by placing the family name or surname before the given name.

Regardless of the orders you follow to write the names, you usually need to fill out the ‘First Name’ section with the given name and the ‘Last Name’ portion with the family name or surname on the Canada eTA application form online. In fact, if you own a middle name, you should also include that in the ‘First Name’ section. Make sure it remains the same as mentioned in the passport, even if there are a number of middle names.

Now, if you are one of those who have only one name line on the passport and there’s no first name (or it is unknown), you can leave the ‘First Name’ field empty and add your name to the family name or surname section. Otherwise, you can mention FNU (First Name Unknown) for better clarification.

Next, when your name includes hyphens, apostrophes, or other characters, you must include them the same way on the Canada eTA form, as it is on your passport. However, if your name has some different characters and accents, make sure those are permitted on the eTA form. For instance, accents used in French spelling and characters from Roman alphabets are allowed to enter on the Canada eTA form, including Cédille (Ç), Grave (à, è, ù), Aigu (é), Circonflexe (â, ê, î, ô, û), and Tréma (ë, ï, ü).

Note: If there is any prefix, suffix, or title on your name mentioned on the passport within the machine-readable lines, you can include them on the Canada eTA. Or else, leave them out!

Enter Family Name followed by First Name

Canada eTA Application after a Name Change

Names change after marriage or divorce, and even for many other reasons. In this case, you need to update your passport as quickly as possible before applying for a Canada eTA. According to Canada eTA requirements, your name must match the one mentioned on the passport for a valid travel visa. So, get a new document in advance!

In Conclusion

Whether you must apply for a Canada eTA online, need expert help to fill out the form accurately, or are seeking document translation into English, we are here to help. At ONLINE CANADIAN ETA, we have professional and experienced agents to assist travelers throughout the process. Apply today

Online Canada Visa, or Canada eTA, is a mandatory travel documents for citizens of visa-exempt countries. If you are a citizen of a Canada eTA eligible country, you will need eTA Canada Visa for layover or transit, or for tourism and sightseeing, or for business purposes, or for medical treatment. Learn more at Online Canada Visa Application Process.