Canada Visa Online: Quickest Way to Immigrate to Canada

Updated on Apr 07, 2024 | Canada Visa Online

Whether you wish to work in Canada, study, or need permanent residence, it requires applying for a Canada eVisa and immigration program. See how to get it.

Are you planning to move to Canada? Well, that’s no surprise as it has become the most chosen destination nowadays for people around the world wishing to get a job, study, or permanent residence. Its high standard of economy, security, and education make this country worth immigrating to.

But immigration to Canada is much more complex than you think. Applying for a Canada eVisa or Canada eTA isn’t enough! You must go through a wide range of programs to achieve a permit here to love, study, or work. And, in today’s blog, we will discuss that, including how to apply for a Canada visa online. Let’s get started.

How to Immigrate to Canada- Explaining Immigration Programs

Canada Immigration services include three different categories for foreign nations who wish to visit here for permanent residence, study, or work. Here’s what to consider:

Permanent Residence

It's a long-term immigration program to Canada, including family sponsorship, Express Entry, Investor and Entrepreneur, and Provincial Nominee Programs.

For the first one, you need tomeet the eligibility requirements of financial support and relationships, as it allows one to sponsor spouses, grandparents, parents, and dependent children for permanent residence.

The second one is a point-based system for skilled workers with language skills, work experience, and education. Compared to other programs, it is faster.

Next is Investor and Entrepreneur, where you need to prove having significant business experience and show investment funds to get permanent residence.

In Provincial Nominee Programs, each Canadian province has its separate PNP and requirements. However, its processing time is faster than Express Entry.

Study Permits

With this permit, you can get the opportunity to study in an approved institution. Also, it may allow you to switch your permit to permanent residence after completing your education goal. In fact, you may work during the breaks full-time or off-campus.

Work Permits

It allows an individual to work in Canada for an unlimited period, depending on your purpose of work, job offer, and occupation. There’s also an Open Work Permit allowing one to work for any employer here.

Now, when applying for any of these permits to Canada, you need to make a Canada Visa online application or Canada eTA at the same time. It is an official permit to enter Canada and stay there. Of course, the process is no longer overwhelming, thanks to the online process! It just takes 5 minutes to complete the application, and the processing time is just less than a day. Here’s how to apply:

Step 1

Fill out the application form with all your personal information asked for, including general details, like date of birth, birthplace, address, email, passport information, and background details with employment and educational details to show your financial and language stability.

Step 2

Once you have completed the form, using a valid credit or debit card.

Step 3

Submit the application form with all the documents required to upload, including a scanned copy of a valid passport with a 3-month validity beyond the departure date from Canada, past travel proof, email address, etc.

Finally, you just must wait for it to be approved, and you will receive your eVisa via email. 

In Conclusion

No matter which immigration program and eVisa to Canada you are applying for to immigrate to Canada, make sure you provide accurate information and fill out the application form correctly. And, if you need expert help, count on us for the best Canada eVisa service. At ONLINE CANADIAN ETA, our expert agents will assist you from start to finish to fill out the form, review the application before submission for accuracy, and document translation into English from over 100 languages.

Online Canada Visa, or Canada eTA, is a mandatory travel documents for citizens of visa-exempt countries. If you are a citizen of a Canada eTA eligible country, you will need eTA Canada Visa for layover or transit, or for tourism and sightseeing, or for business purposes, or for medical treatment. Learn more at Online Canada Visa Application Process.